16 Foot Minimum Charge
Double Slip (16 up to 30 feet)
$43.00 per foot L.O.A
Single Slip (up to 50 feet)
$53.00 per foot L.O.A
Single Slip (51 feet & up)
$58.00 per foot L.O.A
Electric & Water to the Dock
$8.00 per ft additional
All watercraft on D & E docks will be charged a minimum of 30ft plus electric & water.
(No Shuttle Service)
$33.00 per ft L.O.A
Dry Space
(Watercraft on Trailer)
$20.00 per ft L.O.A
Dinghy Completely Aboard Boat
(Per Jet Ski)
$100.00 per season
Pump-Out Fee
$5.00 per Token
Season LAUNCH Pass
(Including Parking)
Season PARKING Pass
(NOT Including Launch Pass)
Summer Trailer Storage
(Must Sign Up in Store)
Doesn't apply for anyone that stores their boat in the winter at Kinzua Wolf Run Marina.
Put In / Pull Out Water
(2 Guys Directing & 1 Operator)
Watercraft under 50 ft and the tractor is used
$3.00 per ft
Put In / Pull Out Water
(2 Guys Directing & 1 Operator)
Watercraft over 50 ft and the deuce and a half is used
$300.00 flat fee
Boating Course Hotline:
1(888) 723-4741 or www.FishandBoat.com
Fishing & Boating Info:
(717) 705-7800
US Army Corps of Engineers:
(814) 726-0661
Mandatory education for boaters from the PA Fish & Boat Commission: All person born on or after January 1, 1982 shall not operate motorboats of greater than 25 horse power on waters of this Commonwealth without first obtaining a boating safety education certificate. Persons who already have a boating certificate will not be required to obtain a new one.